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What is TAT?

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Toiminnan Avulla Työelämään (TAT) is a project dedicated to enhancing the wellbeing and work-life skills of young adults with an immigrant background. We are funded by the Funding Center for Social Welfare and Health Organizations (STEA).

The TAT project encompasses many activities, including:  

  • Sports groups and other leisure activities 
  • Finnish language groups
  • Groups and training related to job search and work-life skills
  • Activities for families and parents 
  • Individual guidance and advice

All our activities are free of charge (0€).  

We can serve our participants in Finnish, English, French, Arabic, Kurmandzi, Sorani, Dari, Russian, Turkish and Vietnamese. 

How do I join?

Joining our activities is easy! You can simply show up anytime, we don’t require registration or signing up for most activities. You can check out our schedule below to see where and when our groups are taking place. We have activities during Spring and Autumn season. During the summer we organize a football tournament and occasionally other small scale activities.

You can call us or send us a message via WhatsApp, Facebook or Instagram.

Activities and schedule

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This is the preliminary schedule for next autumn. Check the most current situation in our FB page!


Sports for everyone

TAT organizes various sports groups where everybody is welcome. Come play ball games (e.g. futsal, football, volleyball, table tennis) with us or learn to dance kizomba.

Finnish Language groups

In our Finnish language groups, you get to practice Finnish in a friendly and relaxed environment. We have a group for beginners: entry-level learners are welcome. You don’t need any specific books to attend, our teachers will give you all the necessary materials. In our intermediate learners’ group, we have a particular focus on vocabulary related to working life and job search. 

Social events

TAT Community Café is a pleasant environment to encounter new people and spend time enjoying different leisure activities bi-monthly. Together with our volunteers we organize Social Kitchen Dinner parties, where the community gathers together to eat and have a good time. Ravitsevaa sapuskaa is a cooking course where you can learn to cook nutritious and affordable food. All food in the course is free. On Saturdays there is also a course for learning Kurdish Saz music!

Support with job search and other everyday issues  

Are you currently looking for a job? Do you need support with finding an apartment, Kela matters or other everyday issues? TAT organizes groups and training sessions to develop your work-life skills. In addition, we offer individual guidance: you can come and visit our Palvelutori services in Espoo or Malmi, or book a session with our instructors:  

Arsene Towa (Finnish, English, French), 050 3229510 /

Jae Takalo (Finnish, English), 050 3654682 /

Suar Sulaiman (Finnish, English, Arabic, Kurdish [Kurmandzi & Sorani], Russian, Turkish, Dari), 050 3652179 /

We also organize courses and workshops. Read more below (Courses and training). You can also find more information about the training we offer on our social media channels. 

Courses and training

No trainings are coming right now.

Let us know if you would be interested in certain trainings or would like to cooperate with us to offer a training!

TAT International Cup

TAT International Cup is an annual football tournament, all about diversity and participation! Upscale playing, good music and relaxed atmosphere gather a large group of people together every summer. The teams are formed by communities of people with immigrant, expat or otherwise international background. The rules and principles of the tournament are created together with the communities. International Cup wants to enhance good relations and cross borders within different populations and develop sense of community with the common language of football!

In 2023 the tournament attracted over 6000 spectators in total. Every year the tournament offers a variety of work and training possibilities for the participants. We have trained security stewards and referees. The tournament offers activities for families and children as well on most days.

TAT International Cup 2024

The tournament was 26.6.-20.7. (break 8.-13.7.) in Helsinki, Pirkkola Sports Park (Pirkkolan metsätie 6). Total of 16 community teams participated in the tournament. It was organized together with the communities, volunteers and other organizations.

As a volunteer one could be involved in first aid, kids and family activities, social media or game commission. 

Check out more from the tournament's Facebook page: 

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Stories from our participants

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TAT-team has been interviewing people who have participated in our activities, especially Finnish Language Discussion Group participants!



Max has lived in Finland for about four years. Previously he lived in Jämsä, and this April it had been a year since he moved to Helsinki. The first time Max came to Finland was because of a friend’s recommendation in 2011. The cool Finnish summer was a point of attraction and Max would go around the capital videoing sights and other enjoyable places. You could catch these videos on TV in South Korea. Recently Max began translating these old videos of his into Finnish. ( )

Max is studying at Taitotalo, which includes a current internship at a café. Max wishes to work as a practical nurse or a care assistant and with that in mind he is going to start his studies at Diaconia University of Applied Sciences. Max wants to contribute to Finnish society. He has for a long time striven to understand issues related to mental health and working with marginalised and underprivileged people is a long term passion of his. He sees that this way he can help create a happy tomorrow. In his personal future Max wishes to see more friends, do more yoga and play the piano. His first priorities, the things he recognizes he needs to focus on for now are working and learning Finnish, still trying to maintain his hobbies so that he can also express himself. 

Max has his own techniques for studying Finnish, one of them being that he attempts to learn 30 new words each week and then make use of them in sentences. In order to better remember the things he has learned he periodically looks back on the past few months to review what he has been learning. Max started practising Finnish in 2013 and he joined us at TAT last September (2023). He describes the TAT community as incredibly useful, being especially pleased to be able to get along with other foreigners, as well as share useful tips. The language group is also helping him to integrate into Finland. On top of it all Max thinks that the group gives him valuable metacognitive insight into his own skills: he can more objectively see what he knows and what he does not. 


Interview written by Soul Koskimaa.




Thu Huynh is someone who lives for education. Now completing a Master’s degree in education entrepreneurship she has lived in Finland for almost eight years. She came here in 2016 from Vietnam. During her first year here she studied to get the recognition of prior learning for the four-year degree in kindergarten teaching she already had. Simultaneously Thu also studied the added qualification of early childhood education. 

Thu feels extremely lucky to have had the possibility to add this to her qualifications because the requirements are strict for being able to educate young children. Thu gets to work with six-year-olds and says she loves working with kids that age because they challenge you by asking about things you yourself would not think to question. 

For her first year in Finland Thu did not have an interest in learning Finnish and she took her first Finnish course only after she started working. Curious about the YKI Language Proficiency test she took it and passed on her first attempt. In general, Thu likes exposing herself to languages and has done that with many: Chinese, Spanish, Swedish, Japanese and English. Like still, with Finnish she found listening to be the hardest part but having put her mind to it she now says it is difficult but not impossible. She believes that if she would have been studying Finnish with this much effort and resolve for all these years she would now be at the high proficiency level of C. 

Thu has worked here for seven years and recently, after some years of not studying Finnish she found the motivation to pick it up again; wanting to challenge herself more at work. This for her meant moving to a Finnish-speaking work environment. Having worked in the same place for years she was looking to step outside of her comfort zone. She wanted to learn Finnish so that she would not have to just keep saying ‘puhun vähän suomea’ (‘I speak Finnish a little bit’). She joined us at TAT in 2023. 

Thu attends, from time to time, both the language cafe on Thursday that welcomes Finnish speakers of all levels as well as the Monday class online meant for B1-level and up. On top of both studying and working, Thu still sees the huge benefit of coming to these language groups. In addition to attendance being free, what makes TAT groups special in her opinion is how she feels that the instructors of the groups possess not just the pedagogical skills but also the ability to create that much-wanted connection between student and teacher. 

What Thu sees as an essential part of studying a language is self-reflection and she thinks that without it a lot of people unfortunately do not recognize their improvement. Believing that sharing empowers learning, Thu likes to meet new people and be of help in their language learning as well as overall integration to Finland. With her own learning, Thu pays special attention to tracking her progress, and she is really able to see how far she has come. Sometimes Thu starts thinking whether she has the energy and motivation for the language but despite that she wants to keep trying and although it is demanding she still describes it as being fun and interesting. 


Interview written by Soul Koskimaa.



Let’s cooperate!

TAT works together with numerous different organizations and networks. We complement the services of the public sector, for example employment and social services. Other important partners of ours include a wide range of educational establishments from vocational education to universities: we offer activities, internships, and project collaboration opportunities. We also work with many different multicultural organizations and associations by arranging joint services, events, workshops, and training sessions. We are always happy to consider new opportunities for collaboration!

Come and host your own group!

 If you have any useful skills you would like to teach to others, knowledge to share, or an idea about a hobby group, then don’t hesitate to contact us! We may be able to offer facilities and resources to groups that align with TAT values.

Join us as a trainee!

 If you are a student of social services or youth work in an Applied University, come and complete your practical training with us! You have the chance to learn intercultural client work, instructing groups and individuals and organizing events, to mention just a few possibilities. We do not require any Finnish language ability but will provide you with a wonderful opportunity to practice your language skills!

Professional collaboration? 

Do you share an interest or goal with us? Feel free to invite us to talk about our valuable work in a training session, seminar, or any other event! We are happy to collaborate and work together with other projects and initiatives. 

Support our work

We welcome all kinds of support from the private sector as well. We are always happy to discuss sponsorship for our events or training. 

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Sign up for our newsletter!

TAT Newsletter comes out a few times a year. We will tell you the latest news, present activities and inform you about training opportunities and events. You can unsubscribe at any time: link to unsubscribing can be found in the end of each newsletter. We will not send you any other messages!

Subscribe to our newsletter here.

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