As a rule, the school gyms are in our use from 16 August 2021 to 30 April 2022.
School shifts are cancelled during school holiday periods, namely week 42 of the fall break, Christmas holiday weeks 51 to 52 and 1, and week 8 of the winter break.
The teams’ final shifts in school gyms will be held in April during week 17.
Gym-specific cancellations can be found in the attachment!

Helsinki YMCA organises morning practices at the Malmi Ball Game Hall three times a week and at Kamppi Exercise Hall once a week. These are intended for all Helsubki YMCA juniors as well as the players in the men’s and women’s team who are interested in additional training. There is always a professional coach of Helsinki YMCA present at the training. You will always have to sign up for the morning workout through the MyClub event so that the coach knows the number of participants. You can also attend some part of the morning training if school starts early. Morning workouts do not take place during school holiday periods.
Show more content...Place | Address | Neighborhood |
Arcadahallen | Kyläsaarenkuja 6 A | Hermanni |
Haagan peruskoulu | Isonnevantie 16 | Haaga |
Helsingin normaalilyseo (Norssi) | Ratakatu 6 | Ullanlinna |
Helsingin urheilutalo | Helsinginkatu 25 | Kallio |
Kampin liikuntakeskus | Malminkatu 3 | Kamppi |
Kalasataman peruskoulu | Polariksenkatu 1 | Kalasatama |
Katajanokan liikuntahalli | Laivastokuja 2 | Katajanokka |
Malmin palloiluhalli | Siemenkuja 3 | Malmi |
Malmin peruskoulu Kesälä | Silkokuja 7 | Malmi |
Malmin peruskoulu Pohjola | Kirkonkyläntie 17 | Malmi |
Malmin peruskoulu Talvela | Talvelantie 1 | Malmi |
Maunulan liikuntahalli | Maunulanmäki 3-5 | Maunula |
Olympiastadion | Paavo Nurmen tie 1 | Töölö |
Oulunkylän ala-aste | Teinintie 12 | Oulunkylä |
Pakilan toimintakeskus | Halkosuontie 4 | Länsi-Pakila |
Pakilan yläaste | Pilkekuja 10 (Pakilantie 67) | Länsi-Pakila |
Paloheinän ala-aste, Aulikinpuisto | Paloheinäntie 40 | Paloheinä |
Pihkapuiston ala-aste | Tuohipolku 10 | Malminkartano |
Pukinmäenkaaren peruskoulu | Kenttäkuja 12 | Pukinmäki |
Ruoholahden ala-aste | Santakatu 6 | Ruoholahti |
Stadin ammattiopisto Käpylä (Palvelu ja viestintä) | Kullervonkatu 11 | Käpylä |
Stadin ammattiopisto Malmi (Hyvinvointi) | Vilppulantie 14 | Malmi |
Suutarinkylän peruskoulu | Töyrynummentie 8 | Suutarila |
Torpparinmäen peruskoulu | Ylä-Fallintie 54 | Torpparinmäki |
Urhea-halli | Mäkelänkatu 47 | Vallila |
Vuorikadun liikuntasali | Vuorikatu 19 (Hotel Arthur, 8. krs) | Kaisaniemi |